Our Story
Welcome to the heartwarming and slightly unconventional journey of the Dedham Supper Club, a tale of culinary adventure, community spirit, and charity.

Richard and Paul have been cooking, eating and drinking for a long time. Inevitably, over the years, generously minded people have suggested that we open a restaurant, have a pop-up kitchen or generally cook for more people – we have successfully resisted all these suggestions thinking they all sounded like far too much hard work! So far so good.

However, in early 2014 Paul’s wife Briony announced that she had grasped the nettle and seized the fish and had organised for 16 people to come for dinner next month and what were we planning on serving? Thus, the Dedham Supper Club was born.

Early sessions were – well mixed. We discovered that cooking for 16 is not quite the same as cooking for four. Amongst the occasional triumph we also had exploding ravioli, potato puree resembling soup, raw chicken (somehow the oven was turned off) and melting panna cotta.

Yet despite the occasional culinary disaster, we always had highly satisfied dinners. Everyone came back for more and next time brought their friends. We found we had a waiting list!

We also felt sufficiently confident to charge people real money and since this is not our business, we wanted to donate the money we charged to a charity.

And so the Dedham Supper Club became not just a fine evening of (generally) excellent food and good company, but also a way of raising funds for local and national charities.
Now we are entering the next phase...
We want to share the idea with you and to give you the chance to have fun, experiment with a bit of cooking and generate cash for your own favourite charities…we invite you to join the Dedham Supper Club journey.